Category Archives: Oral Acidity

How Acid Reflux Affects Your Teeth

  Acid reflux is an uncomfortable, sometimes painful condition that occurs when stomach acid and [...]

Avoid Daily Acid Erosion to Protect Your Enamel

  Our bodies have a miraculous way of keeping us healthy and protecting our internal [...]

The Foods & Beverages That Cause Tooth Erosion

We all know how important it is to take care of your teeth, and we [...]

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Acidity In Your Mouth

Do you know how acidic your saliva is? Most people don’t think twice about their [...]

Re-Balance Your Oral pH with an Alkaline Oral Cleanse

Oral care extends beyond regular brushing, flossing, and cleanings from your hygienist. Most people don’t [...]

Why Oral Acidity Causes Bad Breath

Many people think that odorous foods cause bad breath, so they avoid eating garlic and [...]

How Does pH Affect My Teeth?

For the most part, we learn that our dental health depends on how often we [...]