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Why Coconut Oil Is Good For Your Teeth

Coconut oil has become more and more popular as its many health benefits are being [...]

Why Oral Acidity Causes Bad Breath

Many people think that odorous foods cause bad breath, so they avoid eating garlic and [...]

Defeating Demineralization with Alkalizing Oral Care

Throughout most of our lives, we’ve been taught that brushing with a good toothpaste and [...]

How Does pH Affect My Teeth?

For the most part, we learn that our dental health depends on how often we [...]

Here’s Why Alkaline Should Replace Fluoride

Researchers have shown that higher levels of fluoride in pregnant women’s urine can be linked [...]

The Alkaline Lifestyle: What Works. What Doesn’t.

Following an Alkaline Lifestyle includes eating foods that are alkaline forming, keeping your health in [...]

A Safer and Natural Alternative to Fluoride For Teeth

THE HEALTH ISSUE WITH FLUORIDE Researchers have found a link between fluoride in pregnant woman’s urine [...]

Are Dangerous Chemicals in Toothpaste Hurting Your Oral Health?

After a visit to the dentist in which she was told her teeth were full [...]

The Benefits of Alkalizing the Body

Everyone knows that the key to a healthy lifestyle is eating healthy and getting plenty [...]