The Alkaline Lifestyle: What Works. What Doesn’t.

The Alkaline Lifestyle What Works What Doesn't | Alka White | Alkaline Lifestyle

Following an Alkaline Lifestyle includes eating foods that are alkaline forming, keeping your health in balance and practicing lifestyle habits that promote alkalinity to the body as well. We will get to what they are in a moment.


It gets very confusing when we hear contradicting information like excluding meat is the most beneficial way to improve your health to latter come across that increasing your meat intake is the healthiest way to eat. We want in this article bring some clarity on a healthy, alkaline lifestyle and why we recommend it.

Our bodies live in thrive in a balanced state. When the body goes out of balance it enters a diseased state. There are many markers that can show if the body is in balance or out of balance such as blood pressure and blood sugar levels. There is another important number that can be used as a health marker and be measured by yourself in the comfort of your own home. It is the pH test and keeping it within the alkaline range of 7 to 7.5 is ideal and a marker of good oral health.

Vegetables are The Key

We promote an Alkaline Lifestyle that is rich in important alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium found in fruits and vegetables. The confusion and controversy comes from learning that the blood tightly regulates itself at a pH of 7.35. So if it auto regulates itself to keep a pH of 7.35, why is it important to follow an alkaline lifestyle by eating more veggies and sipping on alkaline water?

The purpose of following an Alkaline Lifestyle is to provide your body with a surplus of important minerals that are alkaline in nature and prevent it from having to do all the regulating by pulling out important nutrients such as calcium from muscles, bones and teeth.

Regulation of Saliva pH

With a surplus of alkaline nutrients from alkaline forming foods, the body can regulate blood and saliva pH without having to borrow minerals from your muscles, bones, teeth and saliva! Normal saliva has a small amount of alkaline minerals that act as a buffer to keep the blood pH within balance. Therefore, measuring saliva pH is important and can tell us if the oral cavity is acidic, which increases the chances of developing tooth decay and periodontal disease.

As promised in the beginning of this article, the Alkaline Lifestyle includes balanced eating habits where 80% of the time you emphasize alkaline forming foods such as fruits, vegetables and coconut oil among others and 20% of the time you have acid forming foods such as good quality meats, dairy and most nuts and seeds.

An Alkaline Lifestyle also includes practicing lifestyle habits such as moving your body often, a restful sleep and rinsing your mouth with AlkaWhite, an alkaline mouthwash made with alkaline, mineral rich ingredients such as magnesium.