The Importance of pH Balance In The Mouth


Many people think that eating the wrong foods creates bad breath, or halitosis, but in reality, it is the proliferation of bad anaerobic bacteria, those that don’t need

A well-balanced pH is essential for your health. But before delving into how pH affects your health, it is important to understand what that means. pH simply refers to the level of acidity or alkalinity, which is measured through the pH scale. More acidic substances have a pH lower than 7, while alkaline substances have a pH higher than 7 but no greater than 14. A pH of precisely 7 is considered neutral. Overall, the lower pH level of your body, the more at risk it is for suffering conditions like obesity and heart disease. Bodies with higher pH levels experience improvement in bodily functions.

Just as pH affects the rest of your body, it also affects your oral health. Ideally, we want our mouths to have a pH of about 6.75 to 7.25 on the pH scale. Once the mouth’s pH falls below 5.5, your dental health can begin to suffer as teeth are at a greater risk of demineralizing. However, teeth can re-mineralize once the pH level rises above 7.5.

Oral pH levels are regulated by saliva, which helps with the production of healthy bacteria. However, through the food and drinks we consume, that bacteria can rapidly turn in to unhealthy bacteria. This is caused through foods and drinks that are highly acidic, because they make our oral bacteria become acidic, too. When our mouths are too acidic, we are at higher risk for gum disease, tooth decay, cavities, and other ailments. So, what can a balanced pH in the mouth do for your dental health?

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A Balanced pH Reduces Harmful Bacteria

A balanced pH keeps cavity-causing bacteria in plaque from multiplying while simultaneously promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. We need healthy bacteria in our mouths to help break down foods for digestion. However, if oral pH remains acidic for prolonged periods of time, good bacteria dies. A highly acidic mouth then creates the perfect environment for harmful bacteria to grow, putting you at risk for cavities.

Have you ever met someone who eats a lot of sugar, yet never gets cavities? Although sugar contributes to higher acidity in the mouth, some people naturally have a more balanced oral Ph level. Because their mouths maintain the pH level needed for healthy teeth, they don’t get cavities.

How to Balance Your Oral pH

As mentioned previously, what you eat and drink directly typically contributes directly to your oral pH levels. Even if you are the type of person who eats a lot of sweets or drinks a lot of soda, it is still a good idea to protect your overall health by consuming less acidic foods.

Therefore, avoid consuming too many carbohydrates, like bread and sugars. Citrus is also highly acidic, so foods like lemons and oranges should be consumed in moderation as well. Instead, try eating more vegetables, beans, and seeds and drinking more water. These foods are not only alkaline, they provide you with most of the vitamins and minerals your body, and your mouth, need to be healthy.