How pH Affects Oral Health


When it comes to your oral health, there are many factors that can influence how well your teeth and your gums maintain. This is where pH comes in, which is short for “potential of hydrogen.” pH essentially measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is using a pH scale. The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, and the lower a substance falls on the scale, the more acidic it is. The higher a substance falls on the scale, the more alkaline it is. A substance that is neutral, such as pure water, will fall directly in the middle—with a pH of 7. Since our bodies are mostly water, it is ideal for us to keep our pH level as neutral as possible, including the pH level in our mouths.

What happens when my oral pH levels are unbalanced?

If a person’s oral pH is unbalanced, it is usually too acidic rather than too alkaline. Acidic pH levels have been found to cause enamel erosion, tooth decay, and sensitivity in the gums and teeth. These problems lead to even more serious conditions, such as gum disease. Why would acid cause these problems? Well, that’s what acid does. It breaks down other substances when it releases hydrogen ions.

What influences my mouth’s pH level?

Basically, anything you put in your mouth affects its pH level. For example, the foods and drinks you consume have a huge impact on your mouth’s pH levels. Furthermore, acidic forming drinks are a big culprit in creating an unbalanced pH level in the mouth, leading directly to enamel erosion and tooth decay. These drinks include sodas, citrus drinks like lemonade and orange juice, and wine. You heard that right, things like lemon juice which alkalize the body are actually acidic and damage your mouth.

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Other substances that can contribute to lower pH levels in your mouth include the types of products you’re using for your oral care. If you’re worried your mouth may have a low pH level, ask your dentist or hygienist about oral care products you’re using. You may want to be wary of whitening strips if you use them frequently, as well.

Certain medical conditions or treatments and dry mouth can also lead to a more acidic mouth. If you believe it’s the former, then talk to your doctor about alternative treatments. Dry mouth can usually be remedied by drinking more water; however, there may be another underlying cause related to a medical condition/treatment or substances you consume.

How can I neutralize my oral pH?

  1. Drink more water.
  2. Drink less acidic forming drinks.
  3. Use oral care products that have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH like Alka-White
  4. Use products that promote a balanced pH when treating oral conditions.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly.
  6. Practice good oral hygiene.
  7. Buy Alka-White Alkalizing Oral Care Products!